My name is Phillip Gray and I love going outdoors riding on skates and scooters. I work as a graphic designer and I love creativity. This is why I appreciate the different creative scooter’s designs. I’ve been riding on kick scooters ever since I was 5 and one of my early scooters had grown-up together with me.
What is the difference between a scooter and a hoverboard
Scooters, gyropodes, hoverboards… Are these new means of electric micro-mobility suitable for everyday travel?
We need alternatives to the individual car. Public transport is an essential one, but it has the disadvantage of not being able to transport us door to door. When the walking time is too long or you have to take several vehicles (for example, taking a bus to two stops to reach a station), the total travel time can be disproportionate.
Are the new micro-mobility electric devices the missing link in daily commuting? Electric scooter, hoverboard, gyropode, electric skateboard, … Their success grew with young people and adults.
Their promises?
Go as fast (or even faster) as a bike, without sweating on the climbs;
Be easy to transport from the trunk of the car to the train, or from the bus to the elevator. Making it easy to move from one mode of transport to another
facilitate door-to-door travel. We will remain attentive to the fact that these objects are small technological jewels that carry engine, battery, and electronic components. Is motorization essential?
If you take a closer look at electric mobility devices, you must have noticed that there are several types of products, including hoverboards and electric scooters. In this article, you are told about the major differences between these two types of gear and which one to choose according to use.

The big differences between a hoverboard and an electric scooter
You want to take the plunge and buy an urban mobility machine but you don’t know what to choose between the electric scooter and the hoverboard. In this part, you’ll see what distinguishes these two types of devices. The first difference that strikes the eyes is of course the handling that is radically different between the former and the latter. And for good reason, the latter has a handlebar that allows steering in different directions while the former is to be guided by the feet. Then, you should know that both machines have an engine to operate the machine and the process is quite similar, however, on the hoverboard, you will have to exert pressure to move it forward or backward.
The hoverboard: a device for everyday life
Let’s start by seeing what uses the hoverboard can be used for. You may have already noticed this while walking outside, but there are more and more people using this machine. It is a machine that is used for everyday journeys, for example, to get to work or to do the shopping. In short, it is a device that facilitates urban travel and manufacturers have understood this because they offer devices with ever-increasing battery life, so that they can be used for as long as possible during the same day. In short, this machine is a device that we will use every day for short trips.
Hoverboard specifics
Stabilizers that offer gliding sensations
To move around in a hoverboard, you’ll have to pair up with the device’s stabilizers. Obviously finding the balance will be easy because the machine performs a multitude of calculations per second to make you stand up. All you have to do next to move is to lean forward or backward. To change direction, transfer your weight slightly from one side to the other. This way, the sensors will know where you want to go.
Can easily tidy up
If you take your machine to school or work, you can easily store it under your desk. Take the opportunity to recharge it. If your daily travel to work or school is shorter than 2 miles, a hoverboard is a good option.
Hoverboards have lower performance than its small-wheeled counterpart. On average, they can reach a maximum speed of between 7.4 and 9.3mph. The latter can easily reach 15.5mph and can be used on more difficult roads: gravel, grass, sand, dirt road. For a classic model, it is best not to use it anywhere other than on flat, smooth ground at the risk of damaging it. On the other hand, there are more efficient models called “all-terrain”. These types of machines are heavier, more expensive but efficient enough to be used on difficult roads.
Hoverboards are more affordable and a bit cheaper compared to e-scooters.. This difference in cost is due to the fact that the hoverboard sells on a larger scale. There are many brands, models, and types that compete in the market. That’s why manufacturers and distributors are lowering their prices.

The electric scooter: more freestyle-oriented
Let’s finish with the electric scooter. The latter is more focused on sport and freestyle, that is to say, the possibility of being able to do various and varied figures. Here too, manufacturers have understood this, and the latest models on the market offer speed boost and advanced braking systems to achieve even more impressive tricks. Similarly, you may have noticed, but more and more cities are installing parks dedicated to scooters and electric skateboards, to allow their users to demonstrate good safety conditions. The electric deck will therefore be preferred above all for its sporty side.
The electric scooter
It’s easier to find balance on an electric deck than a hoverdeck. It’s almost innate. That’s why it is more suitable for adults who want a quick device to handle which they are not likely to get hurt! Here are the arguments in favor of the the e-scoot:
A common escoot is faster than a common hoverboard. There is 15mph for an e-scoot compared to 9.5mph for a hoverdeck.
Some models can even be equipped with a seat. This is ideal for people who have difficulty getting around.
Powerful models exist
There are powerful models that can reach 24mph. However, beyond 15mph they must be registered, you must have insurance and have a driver’s license.
The decision to pick one over the other is solely based on your purpose, intended usage, road condition, and cost. Since everything is already explained above, it must not be difficult to select which one you should buy.